Harrier is a popular model as a Toyota crossover SUV.
The color popular in the used car market is White Crystal Shine and Black.

Toyota Harrier is a crossover SUV that has boasted overwhelming popularity since its launch in December 1997.
In the current model, the luxurious interior which did not exist in the off-road type vehicle until it used 2000 cc – 2500 cc engine and used high exercise performance and genuine leather seat and woodgraining exterior was popular topic.

There are six types of color variations for the whole model, but the color rings that are seen in the market are White Crystal Shine and Black.
The audience who are paying attention to this model is liked by those who want to enjoy SUV instead of sedan with luxury taste.

The place where this type of car is superior is inside a car full of luxury which relaxes a person who is riding in a large car and a rider.
And it’s in a high power engine that does not feel stressed.

The popular user base of this car is popular in the stratum which is interested in off-road type such as SUV from sedan type luxury car until then. I can change it with no sense of incongruity as it is a luxurious interior.

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